Tag Archives: future

Robert Scoble on the future of recruitment

A few days ago at Tech Open Air Berlin, (you might know him as the Google Glasses most passionate advocate) was talking via skype with the conference participants about technology and its impact on our lives.

2013-08-01 18.17.28

Splinter.me team was curious to hear Robert’s view on the future of recruitment, as it is driven by technologies.

Check below his answer.

He was emphasizing on how your social networks can bring you new career opportunities and how employers want to know more about you and check your profiles.

Splinter.me is happy to provide the platform that makes this new natural phenomenon easier for both sides.

For employers it will be easier to find matching candidates about who they will have all the relevant information in one place, as we analyze all the activities on social networks. For talents it will be easier to reveal their professional image based on their social media activities and to find the most fit opportunities.

So join us in beta and get all our benefits soon.